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    Divorce is never easy or painless, as it represents the final and legal ending of a marriage and is probably not a decision reached without careful thought and consideration, especially if children are involved.

    The legal requirements for divorce in New York State – particularly if court orders, child or spousal support, or custody are involved – are complex. In all cases, anyone who is going through the throes of divorce would be wise to seek expert legal advice from a competent New York State divorce or family law attorney. In addition, a divorce attorney is helpful in managing the entire process and seeking a fair and equitable resolution to the matter.

    The Law Office of Lance H. Meyer is available to support your every legal need through a divorce. If you have reached the point where divorce is your only option and you are located in the New York City & Long Island Area, including all five boroughs, Long Island, and Westchester, call our law office today. Lance H. Meyer, Esq., is an experienced New York State divorce attorney and he understands New York State divorce law and the state’s court system.

    Emotions from all sides can easily get in the way and add to the stress of divorce. The Law Office of Lance H. Meyer understands. We offer compassionate, caring, and respectful divorce advice and legal representation. Our goal is to minimize the stress while also vigorously advocating for your full legal rights, whether the divorce is uncontested and the dissolution of the marriage can be resolved via a mutually acceptable agreement, or the divorce is contested, which means the terms of the divorce must be litigated in court.

    Do I Need a Divorce Lawyer?

    In a word, yes. Anyone wishing to obtain a divorce in New York must follow very specific legal requirements. For example, you must meet certain residency requirements and demonstrate you have proper grounds for divorce. You must obtain an index number for your case and file a summons. Your spouse must be served with the divorce papers. Or, if you believe your divorce is uncontested, a divorce lawyer can help by ensuring you have fully and properly resolved all financial matters as well as those pertaining to child custody and child support arrangements. These are just a few of the legalities that need to be addressed in the course of a divorce and for which a qualified divorce attorney can provide help.

    Other reasons to hire a divorce lawyer:

    • To fully understand your parental rights and responsibilities so there is never any question in terms of how much child support should be paid, who has primary physical custody, or when visitation will occur
    • To determine if your divorce settlement is fair, especially where long-term financial arrangements are concerned
    • To be certain all legal paperwork and documentation is filed properly and on time
    • To reasonably and better discuss and negotiate terms – for child or spousal support, child custody, property division, or any other detail – with your spouse’s attorney

    Divorce in New York State is granted by the state Supreme Court. Other related matters, such as child support, child custody, child visitation, as well as alimony or spousal support/maintenance and equitable distribution of marital property are handled by a family court. Attorney Lance H. Meyer is a member of the New York State Bar Association, the Nassau County Bar Association, and the American Bar Association, and handles cases relevant to both types of courts in New York State.

    The concerns and complexities that will be addressed on your behalf during a divorce case include:

    • Protecting your rights to your children, whether through custody or visitation
    • Seeking equitable division and distribution of all marital property
    • Arranging for all necessary child support
    • Establishing spousal support/alimony requirements

    We offer a complimentary consultation to get to know you, and so you can learn about us. Our fees are reasonable, and we offer discounts to military veterans, police officers, fire fighters, court officers, New York State court employees, and New York State teachers.

    Anyone going through a divorce needs a competent, experienced, divorce attorney to help you navigate the complexities of the law and fight for what is right and fair for you. The Law Office of Lance H. Meyer serves the greater New York City & Long Island Area and Long Island. Attorney Meyer is committed to helping clients understand and navigate the legal requirements involved in any type of divorce proceeding.

    If you need help with your own divorce or would like to learn more about how to obtain a divorce in New York State, contact attorney Lance H. Meyer today.